
Welcome to my blog, where I post infrequently about books I'm reading, cool things I've found on the internet, poems I've liked, and other things that catch my attention.

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I've developed a lovely evening ritual.

Before falling asleep, I read

  • a Billy Collins poem (I'm reading through my six Billy Collins books, in order)
  • another poem or two (currently from the Garrison Keillor Good Poems anthology; I'm not a huge Keillor fan, but I like this collection)
  • a short piece of prose (right now, that's a chapter from The Flight of the Iguana, which I am really enjoying)
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A luscious napoleon from the fabulous French bakery led me on a click-fest through Wikipedia. Reading about mille-feuille pastries, I saw a link to the Galaktoboureko pastry. My mind on the mille in mille-feuille, I wondered whether the "galac" part of galactoboureko might mean "many" or "million", something like the "mille" in my Napoleon.

So off I went to the OED to get a good grasp of the etymology.

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One thing led to another this evening, and before I knew it, I was listening to the Partridge Family's "I Think I Love You." This, in turn, led to a web search for info on two of the men behind the Partridge Family's music, Wes Farrell and Tony Romeo. Romeo wrote a hit for the Cowsills before writing several songs for the Partridge Family, including "Point Me in the Direction of Albuquerque."

He died in 1995. I'm amazed, and a little dismayed, that I can't find more info about him on the web.

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I finished chapter 5 (of 7) in this self-paced programmed music theory book. A lot of it is review of things I learned in piano lessons; I've been really happy to discover that I remember the major scales as well as I do. I did learn the functional names of the various chords: tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading, and then back to tonic.

I have another programmed music course when I'm finished with this one. I'd like to supplement these things with Practica Musica exercises.

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This was a fast read.

Somehow the marketing - probably more for the movie than the book - led me to expect something funnier. The official Amazon review gets it right - "harrowing" is more like it. There were certainly some funny moments, and some wonderful turns of phrase, and I really liked the portrayal of the author, with his love of all things shiny. I suppose I can forgive the marketers - if I hadn't thought "funny", I might not have picked it up (after all, don't I have enough depressing stuff to read?), but that definitely isn't my overall impression of the book.

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Stopped by a garage sale yesterday and saw a few books stacked on the sidewalk. The nice young lady said they were two for a dollar - a fine price - so I started digging through them in earnest.

I came away with:

Running with Scissors
My Antonia
A Prayer for Owen Meany
Tom Jones
The Practice of Philosophy: A Handbook for Beginners (Rosenberg)
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (Michael Chabon)

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This evening I found the International Music Score Library Project. I was looking for info on the themes in Bach's cello suites, read the Wikipedia page on the Cello Suites, and clicked the link on over to the IMSLP.

I am so thrilled by the resources available on the web. I'm just beginning to learn about Bach's music, and having the scores handy is such a gift.