Spring Hail, by Les Murray

Authored by
26 October, 2021

My Heaven On Earth anthology introduced me to Les Murray. He's written some extraordinary poems, and there are hundreds of them online. What a mountain of wonder.

"Spring Hail" is lovely, so vivid and specific. The repetitions (not just the first line, but eating ice as well) breathe rhythm into the whole and make the memory more immediate.

(I'm not sure how he's using "prop," and my dictionary isn't helping; I'll have to look that up some more.)

I want to read a lot more of his work now, and to my great good fortune, there's lots more easily available to me.

I also read "A Reading" by Wendy Cope (not my favorite, but I do love a villanelle, and I enjoyed her choice of rhyme words) and "Long Afternoons" by Adam Zagajewski.