I was reading Engineering Managers do Triage work. Do we know this? , and it contained this assertion:
All people learn by exposure to diverse examples.
I found that intriguing, and did a quick search to try to learn more.
Googling that phrase without quotes brings up millions of hits, mostly stuff about diversity in education, which I support, but which is not what I'm searching for.
However, a search for
learn "exposure to diverse examples"
turned up far fewer and more relevant results, including this:
and that had links to
which has a ton of intriguing chapter titles, like
Tip 7. Six ideas to help establish positive norms in your classroom
Tip 20. Think of questions as a check for misunderstanding
Tip 25. Try these three frameworks for learner-generated examples
Tip 55. Use related examples and non-examples to explain technical language
Alas, they all seem to go to collections of videos, which aren't conducive to skimming.
It makes me think about finding and thinking about examples, diverse examples, in the things I'm learning, and how I could go about doing that. (Of course, having a skilled and experienced teacher would be best - someone who could come up with the most illustrative examples for me - but I don't have a teacher, so I'll have to do the best I can myself.)
So, for example, one of the words I'm learning in Spanish is "desempeñar". I've found that Reverso is very helpful in finding different - diverse - examples, which help illustrate the different ways a word can be translated.
Taking a look at "desempeñar" on Reverso brings up lots of varied examples illustrating different shadings of the meaning - playing a part in something, or fulfilling a role:
The criminal justice system should play a proactive role in this regard.
All methods are useful according to the function they have to perform.
They have never before been allowed to perform this basic function of journalism.
Unions are vital organs of the bourgeois state which fulfil this function.
Both countries have leadership roles to play in making sure this happens.
Everyone has a part to play and their place in the orchestra.
Currently, there is no technology that assists in performing this task.
The next step is figuring out how best to practice the new word, and its various nuances of meaning.
I'll have to give that some further thought.