
I'm always in the middle of half a dozen books.

I love inexpensive used books (garage sales and library sales are big events for me), and I have a lot of them.

The blog has occasional entries about books I'm reading.

Rosamunde Pilcher

I'm enjoying this immensely - I suspected I would.

I especially love the sabbatical year in Ibiza. A house filled with books, and an enormous garden, and no responsibilities - I would love that.

Charles Stross

I couldn't finish this book because it was too exciting.

Lately, a lot of my reading has been bedtime reading, and I'm looking for pleasant, relaxing stories that will give me a few moments of pleasure before I turn out the light.

Accelerando is non-stop dazzling verbal and conceptual pyrotechnics. The protagonist lives amid a constant bombardment of incoming information ... and that was hardly relaxing bedtime reading.

I really enjoyed what I read, and I'm looking forward to picking it up again sometime and plowing through it at the quick pace it deserves.

Winifred Watson

I really enjoyed this book.

This was one of my lighter reading picks, something I could pick up for a few minutes before bed.

I really enjoyed Miss Pettygrew's episodes of feeling confident and capable. I also loved the period illustrations.

This was a very successful light reading pick - it was fun, suspenseful, and full of happy surprises.

Haruki Murakami

I picked this up at the library on a whim; I'd been intrigued flipping through it at the bookstore.

It's the first book of Murakami's I've read; I have a copy of The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, and I'm looking forward to reading that. But I came to this book with no knowledge of Murakami's themes or style.

Blog entry

I love cheap books. I go to thrift stores and library book sales and come home with boxes full of books I have no room for. Half my books (honestly, well over half my books) are in storage, waiting for me to bring them back home where I can read them.

And yet, I'm surrounded by books.

I daydream about reading all these wonderful books. I take small paperbacks to the bus stop with me - Teach Yourself French, A Brief History of Japan, The Portable Greek Historians.

Blog entry

I'm reading my way through John McPhee's books in order (having taken a few detours), but I'm writing about this one out of order because it's an Interlibrary Loan book and it has to go back this week.

The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed was a fascinating study of the creation and testing of a prototype airship in the early 1970s.