There isn't a lot of sculpture I connect with, for some reason, but I loved this right away.
I love the expression on his face, and how it deepens and shifts, viewing it from different angles. I love and am intrigued by his garb, no recognizable pants or shirt but an unfamiliar draping shift, which makes me think of a monk or a medieval student or I'm not sure what. His posture, the tilt of his head, are so evocative, and make me feel an immediate liking for him.
It arouses in me that very specific joy that is not just joy, but is a kind of singing joy, deep and infusing your whole self even when you sing alone, but making the world around you ring as one voice, one vibrating body when you sing with others.
I'm always impressed by the Cleveland Museum of Art's website - the descriptions are brief and useful, the provenance information is interesting, and the various links - to collections, types of artworks, media, locations and eras - are all helpful and provide excellent ways to explore more, in many directions.
I would love to see this in person someday.